Friday, November 26, 2010


This is the first time I have ever written, or even attempted to write a blog.  I have known many people who have and I honestly usually enjoy reading them.  I believe people open up more when they have a platform such as this.  Their views, thoughts, opinions, etc are usually more honest and sincere.  I appreciate that and would like to open up and share what is on my mind.
My posts will vary tremendously.  Some will be about boring everyday shit and others will be political, religious, and tread along a sensitive nature.  My post will be uncensored.  I will share my deepest and most honest thoughts.  I assume some people will find them offensive.  I won't apologize for hurt feelings.  If you don't like what I say, or how I say it, then don't read it.  Fuck you and move on. 

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