Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Provo Tabernacle

This morning the Tabernacle in Provo was set on fire.  I am from Provo so I obviously continued to read the story.  As I read on, I was reminded why I left that place.  "It's like one of my family members just died" according to one observer.  I can't believe some of the shit people say.  An old building burns down, and you liken it to a family member dying.  You're a fucking moron. 
Provo is an interesting place full of religious nut jobs.  Mormon theology is drilled into their head from day 1.  I am relieved I escaped that community.  I often read messages from old friends that still reside there.  They have a distorted sense of reality.  All they talk about is religion and bullshit ideals.  Get a fucking grip and understand this life has more to offer. 
Ya know its too bad the tabernacle burned down. I always appreciate older buildings, but shit happens I guess.  This tradegy will at least give the church another reason to spend more tithing money.  Maybe they can put another temple in it's place....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This morning I went in to get a coffee.  I ended up standing behind these 3 ladies that left an impression. Very few things annoy me more than stupid bitches such as these.  Mid 30's, overweight, over zealous clothing, and the icing on the cake was their tone of voice.  If I was a blind man, I would assume I was standing behind the wife of Donald Trump.  Very snooty and errogant.  But these women weren't wealthy.  They were part of the management team at Bebe.  That should explain it I guess.  One of these cunts was wearing a fox as her jacket.  I'm no Elaine Bennis, and I don't consider myself a die hard animal lover, but wearing fur is fucking gross.  I hope this dirty bitch gets attacked by a big ass dog.  Ditch the fur jacket.  You look like an idiot.
May I avoid dumb ass people for the rest of the day.  I can't handle another pack of bitches for at least 24 hours....