Wednesday, January 12, 2011

After the Fact

For anyone living in a hole, there was a shooting in Arizona several days ago.  Some troubled young man decided he would lash out and make a statement.   Everyday since, there are new reports about his past, his mental issues, etc.  Now comes the "could this have been avoided"???
Whether it's the shootings at Virgina Tech, Fort Hood, or Arizona.  It  always seems like the media tries to create chaos by suggesting these acts could have been avoided.  Give me a fucking break.  It's not like he sent a telegraph informing police he was planning a rampage.
This kid, along with many others that do random shit like this, usually will go undetected.  It's easy to look back and say "Ya know, he was kind of fucking weird".  Just because someone is weird, depressed, or mad at the government, doesn't mean they are going to head over to the local mall and unload some shotguns. 
I generally don't like the government, I certainly don't care for all my nosey Mormon neighbors, does that mean I am going to go kill people??
Bad shit happens and this was another classic example.  Why do we always have to make sense of everything?  It's like we are incapable of accepting the fact we live in a chaotic world.  Random things happen daily.  They can't all be explained.  God isn't the source of the unknown, and without some special power of forsight, we can't predict all the terrible things that will occur. 


  1. According to one of my TBM readers, I live in a hole... LOL!

  2. Well Mormon411... You don't believe in the Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel. You must live in a hole. I couldn't explain the lack of belief any other way.....
