Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Views on LDS Church

Many blogs and articles are written by former members of the LDS church.  I read them hoping to gain some insight and find some common ground.  Unfortunately these writings often head down a very combative path or they set the platform to share their new found love in Jesus.  Either way I am left digging for useful material.
Those writings that are filled with hate and anger towards the church usually end up getting active Mormons involved.  They want to defend their faith and challenge the writings.  Before too long, it's an argument and nothing meaningful comes about.
The writers who choose to confess their "re-birth" are even worse.  All they do is recite scripture from the bible.  Their positions are predictable and any return missionary is aware of the passages.  "Grace" this and "Grace" that.  That shit is old and I'm not interested in your "new" lord.
I have given up my belief in religion and God altogether.  I was raised LDS and served a full mission and eventually got married in the temple.  I began questioning my beliefs on my mission.  I couldn't accept the teaching that we had the complete truth.  Out of the thousands of people I talked to and tried to engage in religious conversation, I somehow was the only one who knew the truth.  Everyone else was blind and being lead down the wrong path.  While the modern day position is much more fluffy and tolerant, the original views set out by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, etc were very clear that all denominations and religions are wrong and essentially in a state of apostasy.
I felt very uncomfortable with that position.  I met a lot of wonderful people and they absolutely had zero interest in my message or the "true gospel of Jesus Christ".   By rejecting our message, weren't they passing on their chance for salvation?  These wonderful people are going to miss out on glory.  That was a hard pill to swallow.  To help me get past this, church leaders and family would tell me these people will still have their chance in the "spirit world".  In order for them to be denied their glory they need to have a "complete chance" and then reject it.  Sorry but that's not exactly the way I remember the before mentioned prophets teaching it. I believe it's become popular among current members to have a softened view.  Whether it's because several of their family members are now inactive, or they are unable to accept the original teachings of the church. Either way, the fact remains the prophets who engaged this "final dispensation" taught things differently.  They were clear that missionaries were to head out and "gather the harvest."  The lord says "those who reject you, reject me" and "no place in heaven awaits them".
This disconnect has grown and I'm now fully estranged from the LDS church.  Countless reasons can be given.  I'm not interested in writing them in full detail.  Any potential reader of this entry will either take time to do research or choose to ignore my insight.  I will simply point out a few major problems I have:

  1. Joseph Smith has way too many problems with his story.  Was he a gold digger and deceiver?  Did he join the Methodist Church after he claims the lord told him all churches were an "abomination" in his sight.  Funny how we can read that, yet in this modern era we are more open to these other churches.  When I read the lord saying they are an "Abomination", I don't read that as being supportive....
  2. Book of Mormon resembles other books of its era.  Also the language it was written in, doesn't exist.
  3. Brigham Young.  That man was a pig.  You don't have to look very far to find quotes that will blow your mind.  Any man of God would never say some of the shit he spoke.  Talking about killing thieves, and inter-racial marriage is punishable by death.  Please, help make sense of that.  Don't give me the common "he is imperfect" answer.  Prophets and men of God just don't say shit like that.  PERIOD.
  4. Mormon and Masonry.  Is there any difference?
  5. Temple ceremony.  I went through after 1990, otherwise I might have written this much earlier.  The thought of taking an oath of how I would die if I discussed the contents of the ceremony is just wrong.  Why wasn't I told about this change?  Why hide it?  I find it offensive that I need to read up on the internet to find this out.  The leaders of the church don't want us to know about it because the truth is it's fucked up.  If I want to discuss this I'm told it's "Anti" material and I should just focus on the basics: Baptism, repentance, etc. 
My struggles with the church led me to do research.  I can't believe some people give so much to the church and fail to do any real research.  If the church is true, nothing is to be feared.  It's not difficult to identify basic anti material from real facts.  Some people only want to stir the pot.  Take jabs at the LDS church.  Not all information is Anti-Mormon material.  We live in an era where facts are available.  As a reasonable person, we should understand the origins of our faith.  The church indeed teaches good things.  They put a lot of emphasis on family.  Those are great principles.  Who doesn't want to be a good person or have a wonderful family?  Despite those teachings, does it eliminate every other issue?  During the formation of the church, many things were taught that would be highly frowned upon today.  Just read virtually anything from Brigham Young.  If the gospel is eternal, then the lessons he shared still apply today.  The truth is most members today see the church as a social club.  They don't know the history of the church, and they don't want to know.  They want to attend meetings and raise their family.  All with the hope their family will be eternal.  Good for you... But that doesn't make the church true.
I have read enough and found enough disturbing material that I know I don't want anything to do with the LDS church.  Its full of deceit and ugliness. Just because they teach good things on Sunday, doesn't mean they will reward me with "salvation".  I can say I am happier now than ever.  I have no fear of God or death. I can be a good person and offer the world something without religion or a belief in God.

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