Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Religious Buffet

The other day I was reading the blog Mormon411.  It's a great blog and I suggest you check it out.  Anyways a girl named Katie got involved and was fairly critical about his blogs content.  I would have preferred to give you a direct quote, but she has deleted her criticism.  Essentially she feels that we should leave the church alone and move on.  Why go out of our way to "slam" the church or it's members.  While she isn't an active member, she loves the church and the people.
Obviously I wanted to know why she isn't active if she is so fond of the church.  Her response is provided below...
I do not believe you need the church to return to God. I believe in God and I believe in the values the church teaches its members, I am just trying to figure out which specifics I believe in. For example, I believe in Gay rights and I think that if you are a loving parent you should be able to adopt as long as you don't push your sexual orientation onto your children. I know it is against the mormon church but I haven't found a different church that feels as right to me. I know you don't need church to believe in God but I had amazing experiences growing up in a church and I would like to raise my family in a church also. I am just figuring out which organization would be best. To answer you Doesitmatter, I do believe in the church. I am just not a person who believes all or nothing. I think that the church is there to inform and it all depends on how you personally put their values to use.

Her response got me thinking.  Does she make sense?  Let me just say one thing first.  Honestly I think she is probably a nice girl with a good heart.  While she clearly misses the point, I hope she has a good life.  This girl, and a great deal of other members, treat Religion/Church like a buffet.  They like to pick and choose.  Obviously most people want the Prime Rib (Faith, Love, Charity, etc), but what about the sides?  Obviously Katie doesn't feel like Veggies(Churches view on Homosexuality), and she really doesn't want Pudding(Churches belief they are the ONLY true church). They indeed believe LDS membership is required.  But she does want a Scone and Mashed Potatoes(Eternal Family and The Atonement)
Why do so many people fall into this trap?  For fucks sake, it's all or nothing people.  I can't be a devoted member but choose to marry multiple women.  I can't love all aspects of the church except for the law of chastity.... Religions have doctrines.  They are not negotiable.  Their creeds and beliefs are concrete.  If you don't like them, don't devote your life to it.  Shit or get off the fucking pot.  Here is a scripture for you mother fuckers....
Rev 3:16
"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."

1 comment:

  1. The Mormon church is all or nothing. My husband and I got released from our callings when we told the bishop we no longer believed. My husband was the scout master and LOVED it. Once the word got out that he didn't agree with the church he had no value and was stripped of his calling.

    People get exed for being gay activists, People can't have eternal life without paying tithing. You can't disagree with anything and still be a part of it. Thats the way cults play.
